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CSA Share, October 20

Here's what's in the bag this week!

Be sure to check out the recipe links for some delicious inspiration for this fresh veg!

Heirloom Tomatoes, 2 (marinated heirloom tomatoes)

Cauliflower, 1 head (30 best cauliflower recipes, including soups, curries ,roasted, riced, etc! Buffalo cauliflower)

Bell Peppers, 3 green (easy vegetarian fajitas recipe)

Mild-Hot Peppers, variety (garden salsa, habanada, banana, jalapeno)

Garlic, 1 bulb hardneck (cook with it or plant each clove for a small crop next summer)

Ground Cherries, small bag (for munchin')

Kale, 1 bag (destem, chop and add to soups, eggs, etc. Or make this simple kale salad)

Yellow Squash, 1-2 (baked parmesan yellow squash, or add to fajitas recipe)

Swiss Chard (bundle; swiss chard with cannellini beans)

Green Beans, 1 lb lazy housewife pole beans (18 fantastic recipes)

Tomatillos, green (18 easy recipes, including a quick salsa verde)

Indian Corn, bundle of 3 (fall decor)

Winged Gourd, 1 (fall decor)

This is the last CSA of the season! Happy fall y'all!

Thanks, as always, for supporting my small farm! ~Aimee



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